The Easiest Way To Fix XP Registry Writing Errors


If you encounter an error writing to the XP registry, this guide may help you.


  • 1. Download Fortect
  • 2. Follow the on-screen instructions to run a scan
  • 3. Restart your computer and wait for it to finish running the scan, then follow the on-screen instructions again to remove any viruses found by scanning your computer with Fortect
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    Fixed a bug when creating a key displayed in the registry: you do not have the necessary rights to prepare a new key

    The operating system may not allow some registry keys that are important to the system to be changed. However, if you also want to try to make changes to these registry points, you will need to take full control of these keys sooner so that Windows can make and save the changes.

    This error usually occurs due to system-protected keys, and as soon as you try to connect to it, you will definitely get this approach error.

    Before opening the registry author as an administrator, first back up the Windows registry and create a program restore point (very important). Then find the registry key where you want to make changes.

    1. Close the above error dialog with the right mouse button and typically click the registry key you want to modify, then click Permissions.

    2. In the Permissions field on the Security Only tab, select the My AdminTractor “or employee account and check the” Full control “- Allow. If confirmed, clear the checkbox to dismiss it.

    error writing to the registry xp

    3. Click Apply, then click OK. However, if that doesn’t work and you get the following security warning: Permission changes could not be saved, follow these steps:

    4. Open the authorization window again and just click the “Advanced” button.

    5. Do you see another owner like Aditya or someone else besides your account? If so, change the owner to your name. Then, if you don’t enter your account customer name and don’t verify the name, select your shortcut. Click Apply and then OK.

    6. Then select the Replace proprietary subcontainers and therefore objects check box and select the Replace all Tiddler object authorization records with parameter records that can inherit from this object check box. Click Apply and then OK.

    7 .. NOW re-check all the Permissions box on the Single Alarm tab, check your administrator account Then check the box for incomplete access – Allow. Click Apply and then OK.

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    If the clients are working, they have successfully fixed the problem. Can’t cause a fundamental error when writing to the registry. However, if you still have questions about this post, feel free to invite them in the comments section.

  • Hello

    As a guest of Mike Burr, could you please describe the issue in detail and let us know when it occurred?

    Typically, incorrect permissions can cause the element to fail. You can try any of the steps below to fix the problem. If this is not the case In this case, I ask you to provide detailed information so that we can provide you with specific suggestions for eliminatedfaults. You

    If you really want to import a registry that rolls back to Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server R2, I mean you are logged in with the system administrator. Right click on the account registry and select “Run Administrator Path”.

    If that doesn’t work, check the old key’s permissions as well.

    1. Click “Start”, run “regedit” to launch the Registry Editor.


    Is your PC running slow? Do you have problems starting up Windows? Don't despair! Fortect is the solution for you. This powerful and easy-to-use tool will diagnose and repair your PC, increasing system performance, optimizing memory, and improving security in the process. So don't wait - download Fortect today!

  • 1. Download Fortect
  • 2. Follow the on-screen instructions to run a scan
  • 3. Restart your computer and wait for it to finish running the scan, then follow the on-screen instructions again to remove any viruses found by scanning your computer with Fortect

  • 2. Click + to expand the folder and navigate to the parent master key.

    3. Right-click it and select “Authorize”.

    4. Make sure your account item is in the “Group and Username” list. Otherwise, click the Add button. In “Enter Object Name, if selected, enter your username and the Check Name button, then click OK.

    5. Highlight your visitor name and turn on “Full Control” in the “Allow” section.

    6. Click the Advanced button to make sure you select the Owner tab.

    7.Select banks Any user account in the list, then select the Replace owner of subcontainers and objects check box.

    8. Click OK to save your changes and wait for Windows to transfer all objects to your partition.

    Note. If you receive a “Registry Editor” error, try replacing the specific owner of the subcontainers and objects for the registry entry. it may not have been possible to set the owner for the currently selected solution or some of their own subkeys, “please ignore this as this is normal as our team cannot assign many registry entries.

    9. Close Registry Editor.


    Remember to click Mark As Reply for any post that successfully helps you, and click Set As Reply if the fully highlighted message really does not avoid your question. This can be helpful for other community members who read all discussions.