Solving The Problem Of Displaying An Error Message

In this user guide, we will describe some of the possible causes that may cause the error messages to appear, and then suggest possible solutions that you can use to try to resolve the problem.


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    I am new to web development and am trying to learn ASP.Net MVC 5. I am browsing a database record. If no new record is found, I want to show the user an error. Below is a group attempt:

    How to add error message to view model?

      [HttpGet]    public action research results ()            Return view ();        [HttpPost]     [Confirm Anti-Counterfeiting Token]   Search resulttov public action (Forgot password MV viewModel)            obviously if (Temp.Check (viewModel.Email))            return RedirectToAction ("VerifyToken", new request = viewModel.); Write otherwise                    ViewBag.ErrorMessage = "Email not found in addition to correspondence";            Visit your blog view ();            

    @ViewBag .ErrorMessage

    How to display error message from controller to view?

      public class ForgotPasswordMV    [Show (Name = "Enter your email address"), required]    an email from a public group has been received; regulate; 

    But I read somewhere that I think I should provide a property and thus simulate an error message for that property. Have no doubt that I am confused how to do this and how to display the error in the view? And what is the current recommended / best practice?

    I wanted to know on April 22, 17 at 15:46.


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    But I read somewhere that it is necessary to give the property to the husband and the model.and set an error message for this property. Now I don’t understand how to do thisachieve this and get information on how to fix the error in Then? look and whocurrently recommended / best practice?

    It is best to change the ownership of your family controller’s ModelState dictionary as follows:

      [HttpPost][Check AntiForgeryToken]Public ActionResult Search (Forgot password MV viewModel)    // ...     another            ModelState.AddModelError (name (Password forgottenMV.Email), "Email not found or not found");        Return view (viewModel);     

    Then, in front of a person, addPut the following line in your mailbox;

    How do I display error messages in razor page?

      @ Html.ValidationMessageFor (m => m.Email) 

    answered Apr 20, 2017 at 4:11 pm


    But I’m starting to read somewhere that I should add another property to my view model and also set an error message for which property.

    It’s true. You can add any error message to your Perception Model:

      public class ForgotPasswordMV    [Display (name corresponds to "Enter your email address") is required]    Received an email on a public channel regulate;    Custom string ErrorMessage get; regulate; 

    then set this property on your viewmodel and pass the viewmodel to the view:

    ...another viewModel.ErrorMessage = "Almost no email found"; or keep returning View (viewModel);

    and finally, in your strongly typed view, use a property above your model:

      @model Forgot MV password...

    @ Model.ErrorMessage

    So most of us are essentially replacing the use of ViewBag with a strongly typed visual model.

    answered Apr 23, 2017 at 3:58 pm


    If anyone is looking for a simple and NOTHING PERMANENT solution, please use our answer as it helped me directly. Do not use this hotfix if you need to worry about precautions in your application.

    In Your Controller:

    How do you show error messages?

      TempData ["message"]means "this is my mistake"; 

    In The Error.cshtml File:


    @TempData ["Message"]


    view error message

    answered Jul 25 ’19 at 21:19

    How do I display a ModelState error in view?


    The answer I have accepted is without a doubt the best course of action. We will handle any annotation errors.
    In our ViewModel, we specify ErrorMessage for each individual property.


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  • 1. Download Fortect
  • 2. Follow the on-screen instructions to run a scan
  • 3. Restart your computer and wait for it to finish running the scan, then follow the on-screen instructions again to remove any viruses found by scanning your computer with Fortect

  •   public class UserLoginViewModel    implies [required (error message "username required")]    [Show (Name = "Username")]    [StringLength (500, ErrorMessage equals "Username is too short", MinimumLength = 3)]    get a public seizure string connection; regulate;    = [required (error message "Password required")]    [Display (name means "password")]    Get the neighborhood string password; regulate; 
      [HttpPost][Check AntiForgeryToken]Public Input to ActionResult (UserLoginViewModel)    once (! this.ModelState.IsValid)            Returns this.View ();        ... 
      @ Html.ValidationMessageFor (model => model.Login)@ Html.EditorFor (model => model.Login)@ Html.ValidationMessageFor (template => template.Password)@ Html.EditorFor (template => template.Password) 

    answered Feb 19, 2018 11:45 am

    Aria-hidden = “true”> 11


    I also spent a lot of time trying to find the most efficient solution for this. Everything is very simple. In your controller, you may well send a message like this.

      specified (UnitCount> = 1000)                    TempData ["MsgChangeStatus"] = "Only 1000 units can be changed at a time!";            return RedirectToAction ("ChangeStatus");         

    view error message

    It is very important that after using the TempData command, your family members immediately use Return View () or return ali RedirectToAction () because these special commands can accurately send your message to the View.

    In the view, we need to add the next necessary part.

    @ViewBag.Title = "Change Object Status";The layout is the same as "~ / Views / Shared / _Layout.cshtml";var message = TempData ["MsgChangeUS"] ?? String.empty;

    answered Mar 25 at 9:02 am

    Speed up your PC today with this easy-to-use download.

    How do I view the error messages registered in event log?

    How do you show error messages?

    The error message should be trivial and descriptive.The placement of thoughts should usually be attributed to the field.The style of the message must be different from the style of the field labels and instructions.

    How do I display error messages in razor page?

    var checkIsoCert = wait (from a with _context.IsoCerts.Where (s => s.PTWNo == idPTWNo)Join udemrrrket in _context.IsoDetails on a.IdIC implies b.IdIC in TempData1.from c to TempData1.Select newbies c.IsStatus) .ToListAsync ();myString matches “Pending”;

    How do I display a ModelState error in view?

    We can use ModelState to pass errors to the view. You can usually also use the AddModelError method (if the error is also specific to the model field) or just ViewBag or ViewData.