Easy Way To Troubleshoot Bcp Login Errors And User Problems


You may encounter an error code indicating that the bcp login failed for the user. There are several ways to solve this problem, which we will discuss shortly.


  • 1. Download Fortect
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  • 3. Restart your computer and wait for it to finish running the scan, then follow the on-screen instructions again to remove any viruses found by scanning your computer with Fortect
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    Hello, I’m making a BCP request to get data

    exec master.dbo.xp_cmdshell 'bcp "select Top 10 ProductFamilyID, ProductSetID, ProductFamilyCode, ProductFamilyName from MPLA.dbo.tblLCFProductFamily" Query D: requirements.txt -w -T "server_name"'

    i -s i9000 launches it in SSMS in the new year by connecting my local database. Now I also have access to the server that was specified in the request, but I said that I got the following error message:

      SQLState matches 28000, NativeError = 18456The error corresponds to ignoring login [Microsoft] [SQL Server Native Client 11.0] [SQL Server] for user FAREAST  D - 113062586 $.ZERO 

    The suggested user FAREAST D - $ 113062586 doesn’t exist even for simple local databases. How to overcome this?

    • I am using this BCP to order the creation of table data directly in a file, and I get an error:

      SQLState = 28000, NativeError matches 18456

      Error = [Microsoft] [SQL Server 10.0 Native Client] [SQL Server] Login failed for user “domain username”.

      Here are all the commands I have:

      bcp “SELECT * FROM database.dbo.TableName” queryout sharinglocation Test File.DAT -S “SERVERNAME” – U ” domain username “-P” password “-o” shared location Test Log.txt “

      I don’t want to provide -T (secure login), but I would like to have authentication SQL. Is there something missing in the order? Please help !!

    • < div>

      How is this special identifier configured in SQL Server? Is it configured so that it is often the authenticated Windows ID? If so, enter someone’s network name and password at the command line. You will either use a trusted connection or set up a separate login with SQL Server authentication.

      And so I could have gone wrong again …
      David Webb

  • Apparently your organization is transferring domain windows_acct to what should be brand new sql_login

  • Hello

    I am using itemprop = “text”> this BCP command in SP and I am getting the same user login error.

    I’m using widow authentication when logging in, but I’ve verified that SQL Server authentication is surprisingly good with the same error.

    The SP part looks like this:


    set @cmd matches ‘bcp.exe’ +

    @dbName + ‘..’ + @tbName + ‘in lol +

    + @filepath’ -c -U ‘+ @usr +

    ‘ – P ‘+ @pwd +’ -b ‘+ @sep

    print @cmd – +’ … ‘

    exec xp_cmdShell @cmd


    and this call will be …

    Exec uSp_Import_Table ‘SampleDB’,


    ‘c: Test Aut_2014 -04-22.csv ‘,

    bcp error login failed for user

    ‘, ‘,

    ‘ MyUsername ‘,

    ‘ MyPassword ‘

    and often get the same message about A mistake.

    Any ideas?

  • Unable to successfully pass Windows username and password. it just isn’t allowed.

    You can bypass and change the SQL username, or use -T for a dedicated connection that uses the windows from which the SQL instance is started, which services start with … perhaps access or perhaps no path to the file in question.


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  • 1. Download Fortect
  • 2. Follow the on-screen instructions to run a scan
  • 3. Restart your computer and wait for it to finish running the scan, then follow the on-screen instructions again to remove any viruses found by scanning your computer with Fortect