Win32 Nanosleep Repair Steps



  • 1. Download Fortect
  • 2. Follow the on-screen instructions to run a scan
  • 3. Restart your computer and wait for it to finish running the scan, then follow the on-screen instructions again to remove any viruses found by scanning your computer with Fortect
  • Speed up your PC today with this easy-to-use download.

    If you receive a Win32 Nanosleep error message, you should read these corrective recommendations.



    If you’re only aiming for nanosecond resolution, ntdll.dll probably has NtDelayExecution :

      NTSYSAPI NTSTATUS NTAPI NtDelayExecution (BOOLEAN Alertable, PLARGE_INTEGER DelayInterval); 

    HOWEVER, This Is Probably Not What You Want:

    The latency can be much greater – even a stream time interval (0.5-15 ms) or two.
    Here’s some code you can definitely use to keep this in mind:


    Is your PC running slow? Do you have problems starting up Windows? Don't despair! Fortect is the solution for you. This powerful and easy-to-use tool will diagnose and repair your PC, increasing system performance, optimizing memory, and improving security in the process. So don't wait - download Fortect today!

  • 1. Download Fortect
  • 2. Follow the on-screen instructions to run a scan
  • 3. Restart your computer and wait for it to finish running the scan, then follow the on-screen instructions again to remove any viruses found by scanning your computer with Fortect

  •   #ifdef __cplusplusExternal "C"#end if#ifdef _M_X64very long typedef intptr_t;#anothertypedef int intptr_t;#end ifint __cdecl printf (char const 5., ...);int __cdecl _unloaddll (intptr_t);intptr_t __cdecl _loaddll (char *);int (__cdecl __cdecl * _getdllprocaddr (intptr_t, char (empty), intptr_t)) (invalid);definition of the association type _LARGE_INTEGER * PLARGE_INTEGER;typedef long NTSTATUS;typedef NTSTATUS __stdcall NtDelayExecution_t (since unsigned alert table, range is PLARGE_INTEGER); NtDelayExecution_t * NtDelayExecution = 0;typedef NTSTATUS __stdcall NtQueryPerformanceCounter_t (PLARGE_INTEGER PerformanceCounter, PLARGE_INTEGER PerformanceFrequency); NtQueryPerformanceCounter_t * NtQueryPerformanceCounter = 0;#ifdef __cplusplus#end ifint main (int argc, char * argv [])    very long delay = 1 3. - (1000/100) / * related intervals 100 ns * /, counts_per_sec = 0;    long long legs [2];    intptr_t ntdll means _loaddll ("ntdll.dll");    NtDelayExecution is equivalent to (NtDelayExecution_t *) _ getdllprocaddr (ntdll, "NtDelayExecution", -1);    NtQueryPerformanceCounter = (NtQueryPerformanceCounter_t *) _ getdllprocaddr (ntdll, "NtQueryPerformanceCounter", -1);    for (integer = 0; i <10; i ++)        NtQueryPerformanceCounter ((PLARGE_INTEGER) & counters [0], (PLARGE_INTEGER) & counts_per_sec);        NtDelayExecution (0, (PLARGE_INTEGER) and delay);        NtQueryPerformanceCounter ((PLARGE_INTEGER) & counter [1], (PLARGE_INTEGER) & counts_per_sec);        printf ("Sleep mode to get% lld microseconds  n", (counters [1] Counters [0]) - * 1000000 / counts_per_sec);        produce 0; 
      slept for 9455 microsecondsI slept 15538 microsecondsI slept 15401 microsecondsSlept to hit 15708 microsecondsSleep 15 510 microsecondsSlept since 15 520 microsecondsI slept for 1248 microsecondsI slept well 996 microsecondsSleep 984 microsecondsSlept equal to 1010 microseconds 
    • 3 minutes to read.

    Suspends the current safe thread until it times out.


      delete sleep (  Dw milliseconds); 


    The time interval of the double word at which to suspend execution, in milliseconds.

    win32 nanosleep

    Zero value causesOok transfers more of its time slots to another thread that is eager to execute. If there are no other threads in your life ready to run, I would say that the function returns immediately and the thread carefully continues to execute another thread of equal priority, ready to volunteer. If there are no other posts with the same priority, the function returns immediately and often the thread continues to run. This behavior was affected by the version of Windows Server 2003.

    The INFINITE value indicates that the suspension has not actually expired.

    Return Value

    win32 nanosleep

    This function helps a thread reset its timing and become inoperative for an interval that depends on the value of dwMilliseconds. The system clock is ticking at a constant price. If dwMilliseconds is less than the system clock resolution, the thread type may sleep for less than the specified time. If dwMilliseconds is more than one interrupt, but less than two, the wasted time can be one to two clock cycles, and so on. Increase the precision of the relaxation interval, call the timeGetDevCaps function, which determines the minimum supported timer image, and the timeBeginPeriod function to set the timer resolution to the minimum value. Be careful when calling timeBeginPeriod. Typically, frequent calls can significantly affect the system clock, system power consumption, and the scheduler. If you call timeBeginPeriod, call it earlier while the application is running, and this will help you call the timeEndPeriod function at either end of the application.

    After you go to bed, the interval has expired and the location is ready for use. As long as you specify 0 milliseconds, the thread can give up the rest of its possible slice, but it remains ready. Note that most of the finished stream is not safe to execute immediately. Therefore, the course can be carried out only after the free time after the expiration of the sleep interval. For more information see Planning Priorities .

    • Code that directly or indirectly creates Microsoft windows (such as DDE and COM CoInitialize). This situation should handle messages when the thread creates windows. Television the news is undoubtedly broadcasted to all windows of this system. They use carefullySleep with an infinite time extension, the system freezes.
    • Streams are subject to concurrency control. Incredible example: an I / O completion port or node pool limits the number of associated threads that can be executed. If my max number of threads is already running in your garage, no additional related threads will be able to run until a running thread is created. When a thread is hibernating, using a zero interval to wait for one of the additional interconnected threads to do work, its process may crash. For

    use these scripts MsgWaitForMultipleObjects TO MsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx , rather thansleep...

    Windows Phone 8.1: This feature applies to Windows Phone Store apps supported on Windows Phone 8.1 and later.

    Windows 8.1 and Server 2012 R2: Windows This feature is supported for Windows Store apps on Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2012 R2 and later.



    Minimum Client Windows XP [mobile desktop applications | UWP Apps] Minimum Supported Server Windows Server 2003 [desktop applications | UWP Apps] Target Platform Windows Title synchapi.h (includes Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows.h) Library Kernel32.lib; WindowsPhoneCore.lib before Windows Phone 8.1 DLL Kernel32.dll; KernelBase.dll in Windows Phone 8.1

    See Also



    Speed up your PC today with this easy-to-use download.




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