How To Fix: Installation Cannot Continue Because This Game Requires DirectX 9.0


If you find that the installation cannot proceed because this game requires a Directx 9.0 error code on your computer, check out these repair tips.


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  • 2. Follow the on-screen instructions to run a scan
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    installation cannot continue because this game requires directx 9.0

    Install DirectX 9 on Windows 10 to improve the performance of older internet games and solve some of the issues, problems and errors your business may encounter.

    These instructions are valid for all old bonuses and will work with older versions of DirectX.

    Microsoft DirectX is a set of service programming interfaces (APIs) for handling production rich media content, especially software and competitive videos, using Microsoft tools such as the Windows operating system.

    These APIs originally referred to everything that started with Direct, such as Direct3D, DirectDraw, DirectMusic, DirectPlay, DirectSound, and so on. The name DirectX was introduced as a short form for all APIs (X stands for the corresponding API names) and later became the type designation for the entire collection of APIs. When Microsoft later decided to create a gaming Xbox, x was used as a general basis for the Xbox name to show you that the console is geared towards the same DirectX technology. The original X was used to name Xbox-specific APIs such as XInput and the Cross-Platform Audio Creation Tool (XACT), while the DirectX model for Windows APIs continued, such as Direct2D and DirectWrite.

    Windows 10 ships with the latest version that references DirectX 12. My favorite game, SWTOR, and many older games also benefit from DirectX 9. To showcase its beauty, you need a system that mimics them all. DirectX 9 effects that can slow down your application and cause performance degradation.

    By installing the DirectX 9 package manually, we stop the simulation of the period and let our PC use the source files for which the mission is intended, which, at least by default, will speed up the step, will not provide a smooth and error-free game. … free, but most likely he can improve it, at least in practical terms. I’ve done this for several Windows layouts since the game was re-released in 2011 – Windows 7, Windows Eleven + 8.1, and now Windows 10.9

    Directx cannot replace DirectX 11 or just DirectX 12, it adds moreAdditional information to your local library that can be used by games and / or software designed to work with them.


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  • 1. Download Fortect
  • 2. Follow the on-screen instructions to run a scan
  • 3. Restart your computer and wait for it to finish running the scan, then follow the on-screen instructions again to remove any viruses found by scanning your computer with Fortect

  • Installation is very simple. Download the file from the hyperlink below (which will take you to Microsoft’s official website) and select it without manual modification during the appropriate process. If you do this, you are NOT uninstalling DirectX 12 completely, it will just install additional libraries because the game you are playing has a good idea of ​​which one you want to use. If a game can benefit from DirectX 11 or 12, it will need it. There is no rewriting or replacement, the installation still adds another layer.

    You can get Windows 10 Pro for $ 28 from Kinguin (use vulkk laws for an extra 3% discount) – I got a copy of each myself 🙂

    And one last note. Installing DirectX 9 will not only damage your system, but it shouldn’t break anything either. The link below is taken from an authorized Microsoft website.

    If you have any problems, please leave a comment and let me knowbased on your experience. 9 DirectX has started making the game work for you, or it feels and supports exactly the same as before.