Suggestions To Fix Runtime Error 52 Wrong File Name Or Number Excel Vba

Sometimes, your system may display a message that the runtime error 52 is an invalid file name or Excel VBA number. This problem can be caused by a number of reasons.


  • 1. Download Fortect
  • 2. Follow the on-screen instructions to run a scan
  • 3. Restart your computer and wait for it to finish running the scan, then follow the on-screen instructions again to remove any viruses found by scanning your computer with Fortect
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    An error occurred while accessing the specified file. An instruction refers to a manual entry with a file number or instruction name that: was not specified in an Open instruction or was selected in an Open instruction but has since been closed.

    • 2 minutes to read.

    In Aria-label = “article Here Article

    How do I fix runtime Error 52 in Excel?

    Error collecting the specified File. This error has the following causes and solutions:

    • The article refers to a file with a very file number or file name, the idea is this:

      • Not specified in open fact or was specified in open statement, but has since been done. Specify the file name in 1 Open statement. Note that if you called Close with no arguments , most users could accidentally close all open files and invalidate all folder numbers.

      • The number of files is out of range (1-511). When your password algorithmically generates a numbers file to make sure the numbers are valid.

    • Invalid name or number.

        BREF.DOC  My Memo.Txt  BUDGET 92  12345678901  Second try. 

      File names must follow the operating system and basic file naming conventions.

      Use correct naming conventions for directories and documents on Microsoft Windows:

      • A file or folder name can have two parts: a detail and an optional extension. The two parts are separated by duration, e.g. mer

      • How do I fix Visual Basic runtime error?

        The name can be up to 255 characters long.

      • The name must start with a letter or number. It can contain any type of uppercase or lowercase letter (filenames are not case sensitive), except for the following characters: premium character (“), apostrophe (‘), abbreviation (/), backslash (* *), colon ( :), and an up-down bar (| **).

      • The name can contain spaces.

      • The following names are reserved and cannot be used for files or directory pages: CON, AUX, COM1, COM2, COM3, COM4, ​​LPT1, LPT2, LPT3, PRN, and NO. For example, if you try to name a PRN file in a better Open statement, the default printer can simply target the recommended Print # and Write # statements for the specified file number by executing the Open statement.

      • Why do I get run time error 52 in VBA?

        On Macintosh, the name can contain anything other than a colon (:), and in many cases it can contain spaces. Null characters (Chr (0)) are not allowed in filenames.

    For other other information, select an item in meditation press and F1 (on Windows), also called HELP (on Macintosh).

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    runtime error 52 bad filename or number excel vba

    I am trying to run vba runtime code to perform a bunch of folder operations related to Excel files. This code was already written by someone else who no longer worked for my company, but the VBA script worked the last time it was run. With this in mind, every time I try to boot, I always get a 52x error (“Invalid file name with number”). Offers ?

    The code is very long, but the error (depending on the specific debugger) is highlighted like this:

    Print #intFreeFile, _ "* XXXXXXXXX 7. * Error * in the directives main_ProcessBringFwd" & Err & Zoll: "& _ Error (Err)

    requested on Jul 31, 14 @ 4:21 pm

    How do I fix Visual Basic error in Excel?


    Are You Looking For The Wrong Answer? Explore Other Queries With The Vba Tagged Excel Runtime Or Ask Your Own Question.

    The problem is undoubtedly explained by the entire error message.Open the code and look inside the commands trying to read the files. You are probably going the right wrong way.

      Open filename for output as #intFreeFile 

    Debug your code and check if the value in “file_name” (it could be a different var name) is actually a valid path and a matching file name.

    picked up on July 31, 2014 at 16:28.


    If the initiator is a network file and the program might not find the file, if it is definitely a temporary network error, I have encountered this problem several times before.

    The fix for this type of error might be to check for the existence of the get / folder before opening a new file.

    answered May 9 ’19 at 14:36

    This can happen if some target directory does not exist and even if you do not have write access

    may have received a reply at 12:38 pm on July 9th.

    I discovered this when I got a specific error message because perhaps I am trying to use : on the filename. Once I removed it, the macro worked fine. I think there may be a conflict with most of the code regarding some symbols.

    What does bad file name or number mean?

    answered Nov 3, 2016 at 7:29 am


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  • 1. Download Fortect
  • 2. Follow the on-screen instructions to run a scan
  • 3. Restart your computer and wait for it to finish running the scan, then follow the on-screen instructions again to remove any viruses found by scanning your computer with Fortect

  • Hi guys, I got the same error when trying to successfully run an Excel tool that has some kind of mark for adding a zip file. In the OneDrive sync folder.- I don’t know if this is the case, but usually OneDrive has a feature that most users need to disable or run exact files outside of the sync folder since OneDrive is not used.- Perego to the Office tab in OneDrive preferences to uncheck “Use Office apps to sync Office files I open”, enter your image information here

    answered Aug 16 at 15:28 in

    runtime error 52 bad filename or number excel vba

    Speed up your PC today with this easy-to-use download.

    How do I fix Visual Basic runtime error?

    Start Microsoft Excel.From the menu bar, select File> [Excel] Options> Trust Center> Trust Center Options> Macro Options.At the top, select the important switch “Disable all macros for notifications.”

    How do I fix Visual Basic error in Excel?

    Open a blank workbook in Excel.Go to File> Options> Trust Center.Click Trust Center Settings.In the Macro Options section, ensure that reliable access to the VBA project theme template is enabled.

    How do I fix a runtime error in Excel?

    To solve this problem, unprotect the sheet from running the macro. You can manually unprotect a sheet using the Unprotect method for a macro.