Troubleshooting Tips For Ventrilo Error Cannot Enable Direct Audio For Selected Device


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    Sometimes your system may display a message stating that the Ventrilo error cannot enable direct audio for the selected device. There can be several reasons for this error.

    So, I’m using a Plantronics GameCom 750 thumb headset with a microphone. I haven’t changed anything on my computer and used this headset to work directly with Mumble. It’s been a few months since I had a used Mumble, and now when I go into the program to try and help you communicate, I hear, but here I can’t use the microphone. The error message appears: “The opening of the selected DirectSound input device is corrupted.” The microphone recording will not end. When I go to the audio input setup screen, I would say the interface selection is grayed out. My microphone is selected in Windows 7 and is set by default and is even a process recording. I even went so far as to disable all input devices just in case, to no avail. I uninstalled my personal Mumble and reinstalled the driver for my headset to no avail. Once installed, the headset works with Ventrilo, Teamspeak, Ubuntu and even Yahoo Chat and later Skype. Is this a giveaway that came with a great update? Or is there a better attitude or something about Mumble that I miss? I’ve even spent so far checking the plugin settingsbut on my firewall, but I suspect it might not be a problem as I am not even connected to the server. (And yes, I’ve tried combining them all for good reasons.) What’s going on here?

    ventrilo error unable to activate directsound for selected device

    [FONT = Verdana] Unable to activate DirectSound for the desired device. [/ FONT]
    [FONT = Verdana] DirectSoundCaptureCreate failed. HR = DSERR_NODRIVER. Audio driver not available [/ FONT]

    [FONT = Verdana] I just traded my mobile phone for another custom MSI Z77 MPower Big Bang motherboard and my GPU for an EVGA GTX 760. [/ FONT]

    [FONT = Verdana] Every time I installed all these new things and then loaded the drivers for the new Mobo / GPU everything worked fine and there were no problems with these errors. I have visited, uninstalled and reinstalled all my personal sounds, mobo drivers and gps. At the time I tried to reinstall DirectX using the runtime installer, it kept crashing due to a lot of weird errors. [/ POLICE]

    [FONT = Verdana] I am currently using the Razer Tiamats for sound. Initially, my friends and I had a sound card but up to the new mobo, but I uninstalled it not knowing if this method was causing the problem, I also uninstalled all drivers for it and hence the problem persisted. [/ POLICE]

    [FONT = Verdana] Even when I try to enter the ventrilo setup, the ventrilo gets stuck and I can’t do anything with it. BTW, I also have a problem with the beads getting stuck / stuck every time I run the program. [/ FONT]

    [FONT = Verdana] If anyone has an idea to fix this, let me know !!! Also, if you need more information, let me know. Thanks to all !!! [/ FONT]



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    <meta content = "2009-06-06" itemprop = "dateCreated"></p> <div> <p> <i qid = "Start-Talk-Icon"><span qid = "Discussion-starter-text"> Discussion LauncherA ·<a href="" class="translate">Error De Ventrilo No Se Puede Activar Directsound Para El Dispositivo Seleccionado</a><br /> <a href="" class="translate">Ventrilo Error Kann Directsound Fur Ausgewahltes Gerat Nicht Aktivieren</a><br /> <a href="" class="translate">Ventrilo 오류가 선택한 장치에 대한 Directsound를 활성화할 수 없습니다</a><br /> <a href="" class="translate">Errore Ventrilo Incapace Di Attivare Directsound Per Il Dispositivo Selezionato</a><br /> <a href="" class="translate">Blad Ventrilo Nie Moze Aktywowac Directsound Dla Wybranego Urzadzenia</a><br /> <a href="" class="translate">Ventrilo Fel Kunde Inte Aktivera Direktljud For Vald Enhet</a><br /> <a href="" class="translate">Oshibka Ventrilo Ne Mozhet Aktivirovat Directsound Dlya Vybrannogo Ustrojstva</a><br /> <a href="" class="translate">Ventrilo Fout Kan Directsound Niet Activeren Voor Geselecteerd Apparaat</a><br /> <a href="" class="translate">Erro Do Ventrilo Incapaz De Ativar O Directsound Para O Dispositivo Selecionado</a><br /> <a href="" class="translate">Erreur Ventrilo Impossible D Activer Le Son Direct Pour L Appareil Selectionne</a></p> <div class="saboxplugin-wrap" itemtype="" itemscope itemprop="author"><div class="saboxplugin-tab"><div class="saboxplugin-gravatar"><img decoding="async" src="" width="100" height="100" alt="Jackson Greenup" itemprop="image"></div><div class="saboxplugin-authorname"><a href="" class="vcard author" rel="author"><span class="fn">Jackson Greenup</span></a></div><div class="saboxplugin-desc"><div itemprop="description"></div></div><div class="clearfix"></div></div></div><div class='yarpp yarpp-related yarpp-related-website yarpp-template-thumbnails'> <!-- YARPP Thumbnails --> <h3>Related posts:</h3> <div class="yarpp-thumbnails-horizontal"> <a class='yarpp-thumbnail' rel='norewrite' href='' title='Troubleshooting Tips Lp Cannot Print File-error-service-server Unavailable'> <img width="150" height="150" src="" class="attachment-thumbnail size-thumbnail wp-post-image" alt="" decoding="async" data-pin-nopin="true" srcset=" 150w, 120w" sizes="(max-width: 150px) 100vw, 150px" /><span class="yarpp-thumbnail-title">Troubleshooting Tips Lp Cannot Print File-error-service-server Unavailable</span></a> <a class='yarpp-thumbnail' rel='norewrite' href='' title='Could Not Find Any Suggestions For Fixing Network Scans To Recover Selected Servers Via Email'> <img width="150" height="150" src="" class="attachment-thumbnail size-thumbnail wp-post-image" alt="" decoding="async" data-pin-nopin="true" srcset=" 150w, 120w" sizes="(max-width: 150px) 100vw, 150px" /><span class="yarpp-thumbnail-title">Could Not Find Any Suggestions For Fixing Network Scans To Recover Selected Servers Via Email</span></a> <a class='yarpp-thumbnail' rel='norewrite' href='' title='Fix Adobe After Effects Cannot Start Audio Playback'> <img width="150" height="150" src="" class="attachment-thumbnail size-thumbnail wp-post-image" alt="" decoding="async" data-pin-nopin="true" srcset=" 150w, 120w" sizes="(max-width: 150px) 100vw, 150px" /><span class="yarpp-thumbnail-title">Fix Adobe After Effects Cannot Start Audio Playback</span></a> <a class='yarpp-thumbnail' rel='norewrite' href='' title='Troubleshooting Tips For Sc 10 Troubleshooting'> <img width="150" height="150" src="" class="attachment-thumbnail size-thumbnail wp-post-image" alt="" decoding="async" data-pin-nopin="true" srcset=" 150w, 120w" sizes="(max-width: 150px) 100vw, 150px" /><span class="yarpp-thumbnail-title">Troubleshooting Tips For Sc 10 Troubleshooting</span></a> </div> </div> </div><!-- .entry-content --> <footer class="entry-footer"><span class="cat-links">Posted in <a href="" rel="category tag">English</a></span></footer><!-- .entry-footer --> </article><!-- #post-## --> </main><!-- #main --> </div><!-- #primary --> <div id="secondary" class="widget-area sidebar" role="complementary"> <aside id="search-2" class="widget widget_search"><form role="search" method="get" class="search-form" action=""> <label> <span class="screen-reader-text">Search for:</span> <input type="search" class="search-field" placeholder="Search …" value="" name="s" /> </label> <input type="submit" class="search-submit" value="Search" /> </form></aside></div><!-- #secondary --> </div><!--#content-inside --> </div><!-- #content --> <footer id="colophon" class="site-footer" role="contentinfo"> <div class="site-info"> <div class="container"> <div class="btt"> <a class="back-to-top" href="#page" title="Back To Top"><i class="fa fa-angle-double-up wow flash" data-wow-duration="2s"></i></a> </div> Copyright © 2024 Tommy's Computer Blog <span class="sep"> – </span> <a href="">OnePress</a> theme by FameThemes </div> </div> <!-- .site-info --> </footer><!-- #colophon --> </div><!-- #page --> <!-- Start of StatCounter Code --> <script> <!-- var sc_project=12605960; 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