Note For Correcting The Printer List Script On The Print Server


If you received a script to list printers in the print server error code, this user guide is here to help you.


  • 1. Download Fortect
  • 2. Follow the on-screen instructions to run a scan
  • 3. Restart your computer and wait for it to finish running the scan, then follow the on-screen instructions again to remove any viruses found by scanning your computer with Fortect
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    g.Scenario – How to get a list of printer IP addresses from the printing system. If you need to find a match to compare printer name and IP address, use the relative command containing your uncle’s IP address): get-wmiobject win32_printer -computername darequ001 | Click on legend, location, port name




    script to list printers on print server

      get printer   [[-Name] ]   [-ComputerName ]   [-Fully]   [-CimSession ]   [-ThrottleLimit ]  [-How's your work]    []  


    The Get-Printer cmdlet retrieves a list of printers installed on the computer.You can also implement To get-printer to get the properties of an individual printer and then apply that input to others.ipam cmdlets.

    Wildcards can be used in Get-Printer.You can get the printer along with a remote Windows PowerShell session.


    Get 1 Example: Printer List

    How do I map a printer to a print server?

    Press the Windows key.Click Settings.Click Devices> Printers & Scanners.Click Add Printer.Select Add a new local or network printer with PDF settings and click Next.Select Create Alternate Port.Change the port type to Standard TCP / IP Port and click Next.

      PS C: > Get-Printer  

    This command gets a list of printers and printers attached to them on all local computers.

    Example 2. Getting Information About A Specific Printer

      PS C: > Get-Printer "Microsoft -name XPS Document Writer"  

    This query retrieves information about a specific printer called Microsoft XPS Document Writer.

    Example 3. Get Detailed Information About A Specific Printer

      PS C: > Get-Printer -Name "Microsoft XPS Document Writer" | List of formats  

    script to list printers on print server

    This command gets detailed information about a specific printer called Microsoft XPS Document Writer.

    Example 4. Get A List Of Printers On A Good Remote Computer

      PS C: > Get-Printer -ComputerName PrintServer  

    This manual contains a list of printers on your computer called PrintServer.

    Example 5: Get A List Of Printer Objects And Rename The Printer

      PS C: > $ Printer subsetHas Get-Printer "Microsoft -name XPS Document Writer"PS C: > Rename printer -InputObject $ printer "MXDW"  

    script to list printers on print server

    The main command gets a printer named Microsoft XPS Document Writer and then makes it available in the $ Printer variable.

    Optional command to rename a printer to $ Printer using the Rename-Printer cmdlet.





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  • 1. Download Fortect
  • 2. Follow the on-screen instructions to run a scan
  • 3. Restart your computer and wait for it to finish running the scan, then follow the on-screen instructions again to remove any viruses found by scanning your computer with Fortect

  • Run the cmdlet as a background task. Use this parameter to run commands that take a long time.

    Type: SwitchParameter
    Extension: Named
    Default value: None
    Accept pipeline input: Invalid
    Accept wildcards for all characters: False

    Runs a cmdlet in a distance learning course or on a remote computer.Enter a suitable computer name or session subject, such as the output of the outstanding New-CimSession or Get-CimSession .The default is the current session on the replacement computer.

    Type: CimSession []
    Alias: Session
    Extension: Named
    Default value: None
    Accept pipeline input: Invalid
    Accept wildcards for my characters: False

    Specifies the name of the computer system from which information about the printer can be obtained.

    Type: String
    Alias: CN
    Extension: Named
    Default value: None
    Accept input: Wrong
    Accept wildcards for direction: False

    Specifies all printer settings that should eventually be restored, including RenderingMode and PermissionSDDL.

    Type: SwitchParameter
    Extension: Named
    Default pipeline value: None
    Accept input: Wrong
    Accept wildcards aki: False

    Specifies the current name of the printer on which you really want to receive information.

    The allowed characters are

    Type: String []
    Extension: 0
    Default value: None
    Accept Direction Input: True
    : false

    Specifies placeholders for the maximum number of concurrent operations that can currently be configured to run the cmdlet.If the item parameter is omitted or the reward is 0 , Windows PowerShell® calculates the optimal throttling limit for the cmdlet based on the number of CIM cmdlets running on the computer.Throttling Prevention applies only to the current cmdlet, not the session or the entire computer.


    Type: Int32
    Extension: Named
    Default: None
    Accept entered direction: Bad

    / * alt = “” & d = mm & r = g “& d = mm & r = g 2x” ezimgfmt = “rs rscb27 src ng ngcb27 srcset “loading =” lazy “src =” data: image / svg + xml,% 3Csvg% 20xmlns =% 22http: // 22% 20height =% 2260% 22% 3E% 3C / svg% 3E “> Mitch Tullock * // * Mitch Talloch “> Mitch Talloch * // * Mitch Talloch * /Posted Jul 30, 2014

    The Get-Printer cmdlet can be used to view a diagram of the printers installed on a specific print server. For example, the command indicates that there are multiple printers installed on the remote stand-alone server named HOST7:

    PS C: > Get-Printer -ComputerName HOST7 | Format List Name, Driver Name

    Name: Samsung CLP-410 Series PCL6
    : Samsung CLP-410 Series PCL6 Driver Name

    Name: HP LaserJet 4200L PCL6
    : HP Driver LaserJet 4200L PCL6 class driver name

    Name: Microsoft XPS Document Writer
    : Microsoft XPS Document Writer v4 Driver name

    Name: HP LaserJet 5200 PCL6
    : HP LaserJet 5200 driver name PCL6 Class Driver

    You can pipe the output to the Where-Object cmdlet using the previous command to determine which of these printer types will be shared:

    PS C: > Get-Printer -ComputerName HOST7 | where Shared -eq $ true | fl Name

    Name: Samsung CLP-410 Series PCL6
    Name: HP LaserJet 4200L PCL6
    Name: HP LaserJet 5200 PCL6

    The above proposal was in Taken from Mitch Talloch’s tutorial for your booking: Installing and Configuring Windows Server 2012 from Microsoft Press.

    Mitch is a nine-time Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) and widely recognized expert in Windows administration, deployment and virtualization. More information is available at

    Mitch Tullock

    Mitch Talloch Sr., Editor-in-Chief of WServerNews and FitITproNews, and a renowned expert on Windows Server and the cloud. He has written over a thousand articles and is the author or editor of over 50 books for Microsoft Press and other publishing houses. Mitch is also a 12-time Microsoft Valuable Most Professional (MVP) in the cloud and datacenter management technical category. He currently runs an IT content development company in Winnipeg, Canada.



      Speed up your PC today with this easy-to-use download.

      How do I list all printers on a network?

      On most modern computers, a person can use the netstat tool to list the devices on your network. In Windows, type “cmd” in a normal search in the Start menu or in the cold From the task icon, then click the icon to load the Windows Command Prompt. Enter netstat to document the active connections that your new printer might turn on.

      How do I get a list of my printers?

      Open a new command prompt.Enter a new command like this: the list of wmic printers is limited. This displays a list of configured printers.To save the list to a data file, run the wmic Printer List Summary> “% userprofile% Desktop Installed_printers.txt” command.




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